Featured Projects

How To Write a Game

monthly blog-newsletter hybrid educating game developers and writers on the craft and importance of great writing in video games

writing and editing story, side quests, barks, UI text, marketing and social media content, and other miscellaneous responsibilities

writing and editing story scripts, barks, fictional food descriptions, and video narration, as well as event management

writing and editing in-game emails, fictional food and restaurant descriptions, and story introduction, as well as event management


Vertigo Gaming Inc.
Video Games

newsletter, TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, YouTube, LinkedIn

The Indie Bros
Public Relations

press releases, store page copy, trailer script

J.W. Speaker

 blog, press releases, web pages, social media, print ads, and catalog copy

Brady Corporation

product copy, image alt text


product page,  print ads, online banners, e-mails, and video narration copy

Content Writing

Insuranace Software

Canadian property and casualty insurance articles

Healthcare Business Insights

healthcare IT and revenue cycle case study articles